Monday, November 3, 2008

Ian has moved in.

We put some of Ian's room together tonight. Here is the desk I found that matched. I bought it
for only $20. He is sooo excited about sleeping in it tonight.



MMMMM...nothing like green tomatoes to liven up the room!


I like the fan...and drum!!

Crystal Hadlock said...

Hey butterfield gang! Ians room looks awesome! We need to hang out soon!

Angelina said...

Hi. I saw your blog from Ashleys. Cool. I am glad you joined the blogging family.

Cherry and Noah said...

Sleeping in the desk? I was a little confused!!!! Is that in the basement? Did you finish it there? Looks good.

Beth and Jess said...

The room looks fabulous!!!! Moving down to the basement means he is getting old doesn't it?!?!

Kenny and Kelli Ray said...

Ok, so I love Ian's room, but I need a new post. How am I supposed to know what you guys are doing if you don't update your post. :) Hope you are all doing well.

The Belshes said...

Hey there! Just came across your blog and thought I'd say hi!!!

Amanda (Jaren's Sister)